Ginger Wellness

Medical Weight Loss – Health Coaching – Vitamin Infusions – BOTOX – Spectrum Laser Treatments

Jasha Conner, FNP

Licensed Family Nurse Practitioner



Have your journey to health overseen by a licensed Family Nurse Practitioner who provides a multidisciplinary approach to weight loss. As a health care provider I understand the many obstacles to healthy living and healthy weight. We provide education as well as offer LIPOTROPIC INJECTIONS and SEMAGLUTIDE to qualifying clients to aid in your weight loss journey. Book Now!




Have you or a family member been recently diagnosed with a complicated illness? Did you leave your doctor’s office not fully understanding your medical condition? Did you know that there are several lifestyle modifications that can aid in disease prevention? Did you know that medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States? Ginger Infusions & Wellness offers health coaching that will help you not only understand your diagnosis, but educate you on lifestyle modifications that can prevent disease progression! Book Now!




Supplies critical nutrients intravenously that are needed for optimal body performance. Let’s face it, our diets do not provide all the essential ingredients to promote optimal health. Vitamin deficiencies are linked to many co-morbidities and diseases. Common symptoms of vitamin deficiencies include fatigue, mental fog, brittle hair and nails, muscle cramps, bleeding gums, dry scaly patches, hair loss, and restless leg syndrome. Vitamin B12 and B6 deficiencies have also been linked to anxiety and depression. Add a vitamin infusion to your health goals, you won’t be disappointed. Book Now!



Are you looking to get rid of those unwanted wrinkles? BOTOX works to minimize wrinkles and to provide a slow subtle change that will have you looking and feeling your best! Book Now!

*Some treatments are not offered to persons under the age of 18, with or without parental consent.*


“Some people boast that they have a wonder drug or some remedy, or whatever helps your aches and pains. After receiving a vitamin infusion from Jasha on two separate occasions, let me boast about the almost immediate difference I felt. At 71 you can expect some aches and pains but the relief I felt was amazing! In the last three weeks, I’ve felt better than I have in the past year. Thank you Jasha for helping an old man feel a little younger!”

~ Ken – Lebanon, MO

“I have struggled with weight loss off and on my entire adult life. Life gets busy between work, kids, keeping up a house… You guys know. I hit a weight about 6 weeks ago that I promised myself I would never get to again. I started eating less and walking but I didn’t have the energy to really do what I needed to do to change my life. Jasha from Ginger Infusions & Wellness started giving me injections about 4 weeks ago and I have lost 17 lbs and I feel so much better! My depression has subsided, my anxiety has calmed down, and I don’t crave the junk that I used to. If you are struggling, get ahold of her. It may just be what gets you over that hurdle.”

~ Cassie – Lebanon, MO

“Coby and I tried something new! We had a vitamin infusion last Monday! We both felt more energetic, and I even lost 4 pounds last week. I will definitely be getting another! Thanks Jasha at Ginger Infusions & Wellness!”

~ Samantha – Camdenton, MO

Contact Us

Office Location

Ginger Wellness
25865 N. Hwy 5
Lebanon MO 





(417) 322-6460       Lebanon

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